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Wednesday Nights

Welcome to Treehouse Alley Kidz Club!

  • This club runs on Wednesday nights here at Community Baptist Church.

  • Dinner will be served at 6pm every Wednesday night before club starts and is FREE.

  • Club will officially start at 6:30pm and end promptly at 8pm.

  • Drop off/ Pick up:

Kidz may be dropped off– however, we ask that you would walk your children into the building just to be sure that they are where they need to be and we don't have any children wondering around our campus. Safety is our #1 priority! But feel free to stay for adult Bible study which starts at 6:40pm. *Remember, DINNER starts at 6pm– the doors will not open any sooner.


For safety and less confusion, at pick up there will be a leader at the door of our Treehouse Alley room waiting for you. When you sign your kidz out we will get your kidz and they will be brought out to you. You may then hangout and talk amongst yourselves and fellowship as much as you want. WE ask that no students hangout in the kidz area once you've signed them out, that way leaders don't get confused as to who has been picked up and who has not. This will also help us to get that area cleaned up. WE ask that you are no later than 8:15pm to pick up your children, to respect our leaders time.


About The Treehouse Alley Club:

This club is created to be a fast paced, challenging, fun place for the kidz to come and hangout together.

We do this through:

  • Games,

  • Bible lessons,

  • Memory verses (which they earn pins),  

  • Small group time– where kidz will be split into "like" age groups to connect with their leaders and ask any questions they have, discuss the Bible lesson & memory verse.

Memory Verse:

Doors to Treehouse Alley open at 6:15pm from 6:15-6:30 will be the time kidz can tell their leaders the memory verses. Kidz will earn 3pts for memory verses so it will be important to be their on time for the kidz to accomplish this. In this packet is the entire year of memory verses...we will also send a verse home weekly so you know what they are to work on.

POINTS: Kidz will earn points for a bunch of things...attendance, memory verse, keeping shoes on, wearing sneakers, theme nights, bring a new friend, and more...they will have two different ways to spend their points. One will be monthly in our KIDZ store, and one will be quarterly.

       Monthly- Kidz have the opportunity to save or spend their points monthly. Every first Wednesday the store will open.

       Quarterly- We will have a "BIG" event the kidz will have opportunity to go to. If they earn 130 pts for each quarter they are eligible to attend the trip. Our first event will be Nov. 2nd to Frieda Zamba Pool. We will be renting out the pool for the night. The other events are yet to be determined.


Kidz have many opportunities to earn points including attending our Awana Ministry on Sundays at 9am & Kidz Church on Sundays at 10:30. Points are cumulative and will be added together for those who attend more than one day or one ministry. However, if kidz only come to our Kidz Club on Wednesdays it is still possible to earn enough pts. to attend our events.


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